Steph Undaunted

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Women Who Rise | Becoming a Widow

Today's #womenwhorisewednesday feature is Mari. Mari was mothering 3 small children, two were 6 and the other 7, when her husband passed away and she suddenly found herself a widow.

Undoubtedly one of the hardest things to imagine going through, she somehow found a way to pick herself up and care for her children. While we were together for her photos, she told me about the bumps and twists that happened along the way. The short story - there was another man, but that marriage didn't work out, and it was after that she realized that her soul needed healing. She needed to process the losses and pain she'd encountered the past several years. And it wasn't until she started counseling that she was able to take the time to grieve, to learn about herself and decisions she'd made along the way, and be able to find healing.

Mari mentioned to me that she was much older by the time she finally went to counseling, and I asked her if she wished she'd gone sooner. She didn't hesitate to answer that she believes everything in life happens at just the right time, yet she hopes for those of us reading her story, that we won't wait to get the help we need. 

These days her greatest obstacles involve chronic illness and depression, but she makes time to care for herself in holistic ways by eating healthy, walking a good deal, riding an exercise bike, inspirational readings, meditation, yoga, and going to Temple. Her greatest joys involve her family - even the furry ones! And volunteering at her local animal shelter. Above all, Mari wants you to remember this about her - she is resilient and grateful for what life has given her.

By the way, even though she'd sworn off love at this point in her life, she was unexpectedly swept off her feet. They've been married for 10 years now!

Do you know of a woman who is redefining strength, destroying stigmas, breaking barriers, or overcoming the greatest obstacles? I'd love to tell her story! Contact me at