Wahoo! Running Annual Beer Mile

Wahoo! Running Annual Beer Mile

About a year ago I met Carlee Daub. And if you know her, then you just know. She is full of life, and joy, and endless energy and unwavering passion. She is also one of the co founders of Wahoo! Running. It didn’t take long for me to jump on board with this running crew, and I can honestly say it was one of the best decisions I’ve made. Not only are these people like instant family, it’s helped me fall in love with running again. I could go on and on singing the praises of this group, and I think anyone remotely interested in getting better at running, or finding local friends to run with, should consider coming alongside us. You won’t regret it!

Unless you do the annual beer mile. But even then, you’d only regret your life choices for a short time. Ha! But really, watching this race unfold was SO FUN and I can’t wait until next time.

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