Rob's Prayer Journal for Me

Rob's Prayer Journal for Me

In going through Rob's things I came across a prayer journal he kept for me during our days of long distance dating. The very first prayer her wrote out took my breath away. It was as if he was praying over me straight from heaven, at the feet of Jesus. I'm vulnerably sharing it here, because I can't contain how incredible God is in comforting me in the most profound ways.

September 29, 2009

I pray that you are well and remain full of the Holy Spirit. Lord be near Stephanie. Guide her toward the path of righteousness. I pray that you fill her with your love as I am apart from her. Be her comforter, her rock and her Father. Give her wisdom as she leads her house with care and a discerning heart. Let her know more and more of you each day. Give her the strength to face each day. Give her patience and understanding in listening to those she leads and guides. Oh God let her know your presence. Give her inner peace. Amen.

October 9, 2009

Please be near Stephanie. She is going through so much testing and trials. I pray that she clings to the words of James 1:2-4 where it says to take joy in these trials as they will produce something good. Be there to guide her and bless her with your comforting presence. Help her to know how to deal with the situations that arise...

There were only a few entries but each one felt like they were prayers for this time in my life right now. What a treasure he left behind, and I will forever be grateful.

**Photos below by Kelsi Laine Photography at Rob's birthday celebration

Women Who Rise | Surviving a Stroke at 29

Women Who Rise | Surviving a Stroke at 29

Family Reunion Minus One | Tears Like Crashing Waves

Family Reunion Minus One | Tears Like Crashing Waves