Rachel + Derek :: Edmond Maternity

Rachel + Derek :: Edmond Maternity

The journey to parenthood is often a hard fought battle. Its not as easy as making the decision to start a family, and within a few months you’re on your way. For some, its years of trying, testing, clinics, fertility specialists, and so on. And when that miracle happens after all those years of waiting, the joy of that blessing is rich beyond your wildest dreams.

That’s where Rachel and Derek found themselves at the beginning of this year. Their years of trying to start a family, the heartache to get to this point, finally led them to that miracle of a positive pregnancy test. The next few months they were finally able to dream and plan and imagine their lives with this precious child.

But in April, everything came to a screeching halt. At their 20 week ultrasound they learned their precious son had several issues and would not be compatible with life outside the womb. There are no words for this kind of devastating news. There are no explanations as to why this precious couple would go through so much to start a family, only to have this happen.

And yet I’ve watched from afar as Rachel has walked with grace, strength, and courage these past couple of months. They have taken their sweet son, Eamon, on adventure after adventure, choosing to experience as many memories with him as they can. In the midst of overwhelming pain, she has chosen to LIVE. She has chosen to trust Jesus and lean into His arms for her strength. Her faith, though I’m sure is filled with questions that cannot be answered, and heartbreak and often anger, has stood steadfast. I wish with everything in me that they didn’t have to live through this suffering, but I’m praying along with them that God would be glorified, that Eamon’s story would reach far and wide in bringing hope and salvation.

I’m honored to come alongside you and document some of these priceless memories. Thank you for letting me step in to your story.

Welcome to Steph Undaunted LLC

Welcome to Steph Undaunted LLC

August. Again.

August. Again.