Road Trip 2015

Road Trip 2015

At the beginning of April, we knew Rob had scheduled vacation time coming up and we didn't want to just sit at home yet again. We were able to take a look at our budget and decided we could make a surprise trip to Canada to visit his family...if we drove. We debated about whether Josiah could handle it, and finally just decided to take advantage of the chance to adventure. We would get to see half the country with Josiah - plains, great lakes, Niagara Falls, mountains, and endless unique places to eat. So we packed up our suitcases and endless entertainment for Josiah, and left at 2 am on a Friday morning. We drove 15 hours the first day, then 6 hours the next to present the greatest surprise ever to Rob's mom (only his Dad knew we were coming).

I'd say that's a look of surprise!

I'd say that's a look of surprise!

Along the way we ate at a spot in Springfield Missouri called Hurt's Donut. They had a maple bacon donut and a nutella stuffed donut. Oh man. Unbelievable. Then in Terra Houte Indiana we found a Lousiana Gumbo spot (not pictured) but it was probably one of my favorite meals!

Josiah's Opa built a boat named after him and his cousin Jordyn. Sadly, as you'll see below, Josiah had a ruptured ear drum while in Canada and was quite miserable. He cried and moaned for several days and wanted nothing to do with anything or anyone except me. Even at Niagara Falls you can see the misery on his face.

Not everyone cares to read personal posts on a photography page, but this trip was still so much fun and we experienced so much that I just couldn't NOT share :)

Madelyn Grace | A Lifestyle Newborn Session

Madelyn Grace | A Lifestyle Newborn Session

Hannah+Kenny | Maternity Photography

Hannah+Kenny | Maternity Photography