Cassady Senior Photos :: Courtney

Cassady Senior Photos :: Courtney

Courtney is a Senior this year at Cassady, but I’ve been taking photos of this girl and her sweet fam since she was in 8th grade. That is just bananas ya’ll! I have to pinch myself that I’ve been doing this gig long enough to see someone throughout middle school and high school. Anyway, Courtney is the real story here!

If you are lucky enough to know her, you can attest to what a rare gem she is. She is kind, she is loyal, she is so laid back and easy to get along with. She is the kind of person you want your own kids to grow up to be like.

Here’s a little snippet of her senior photos taken at the Oklahoma State Capitol building.

Philadelphia Marathon || Michelob Ultra + Wahoo Running

Philadelphia Marathon || Michelob Ultra + Wahoo Running