Majestic Pines | Oklahoma Summer Wedding

Majestic Pines | Oklahoma Summer Wedding

Melissa and Chase were married at Majestic Pines in Norman, Oklahoma on July 8th.

Majestic Pines is hands down one of the most beautiful and peaceful outdoor wedding venues this city has to offer. The only tell-tell sign that we were still in Oklahoma was the oppressive heat. But they handled it like rockstars. After the first look we had to take several breaks to just breathe and relax because there was no wind and just stifling. But you'd never guess that just by looking at their photos.

And can we talk about Chase's reaction to seeing her for the first time? Gah, it was so sweet. And he reacted that way again seeing her walk down the aisle! I've never seen a first look steal the joy or emotion from walking down the aisle. It's always there. And I'm so glad they chose a first look because within minutes of being pronounced husband and wife, the skies opened and it POURED. The rest of the photos got moved into the reception tent. It was crazy, ya'll. It can be so hard when you've planned certain things for your wedding and the rain forces you to change things up. But one of the things I love about Melissa & Chase from the beginning was their adventurous spirits, and that adventurous spirit was definitely needed on their wedding day. 

Everything turned out beautiful, and it was the most perfect celebration of their unique, God-breathed story. Thank you for letting me be a part of your wedding day!

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