Steph Undaunted

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Women Who Rise | Journey of Sarah

I've followed Sarah's blog and read her words for many years. She's someone I already knew to be humble, kind, and full of grace and strength. Her journey has been documented in a book, and her blog still reaches thousands so there isn't much I can add here that hasn't already been written by Sarah herself. When she agreed to be a part of the Rise Up Project I was kinda fangirling and amazed that she'd have time to meet with little ol' me.

But we were destined to meet, I was meant to hear her heart in person. Because our meeting took place on August 6th, two weeks before my own journey was to begin.

I video'd my interview with her, and I finally had the courage to go and listen to it again this week. I don't want this blog post to be about me, so all I will say is it struck me how giggly and naive I sounded asking such in depth questions. Like geez Steph, you had no idea.

You can find Sarah's website here, and she is definitely worth following! Read her blog, buy her book, and be inspired by someone who has absolutely overcome some of life's greatest obstacles. I'm only posting my favorite thing she said to me in our interview because I really just want you to go to her website :)

"I've always tried to find purpose in the pain. Every news story, in my book, when I speak. It's just like, we had this really crap thing happen to us and we're gonna use and give it wings.

You can't choose what life hands you, but you can choose how you respond to it. We've chosen to respond to what life gave us with giving hope to others, showing them that they can be overcomers too. 

I hope by others seeing that I didn't give up, they don't have to either."