Steph Undaunted

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steph undaunted

undaunted: undismayed; not discouraged; not forced to abandon purpose or effort; undiminished in courage or valor; not giving way to fear.

This word came to me several months ago, and when I looked up the definition I knew this was my proclamation. And in time it has helped to shape a changing future.

Even before Rob died I contemplated laying down my photography business for a season and digging into learning if that's what God ultimately had for me. But I just couldn't do it. We needed the income, and so I forged on. At sluggish speeds, I might add. In the last months I've thought a hundred times about Joanna Gaines' story of laying her business down in the season of growing babies, and picking it up only when God said "go." And look what God did! A HUGE part of me has not wanted to lay this down because I've worked SO hard to build it. SO hard ya'll. But if I've learned two things these last 9 months it's this: 

1. God is the one who gives and takes away, and He is worthy no matter what. He can build my business in the blink of an eye if He so chooses. There is a purpose in laying this down, and I believe that it's necessary in order for other doors to open. 

2. I have nothing to fear in surrender. I had no choice in what life handed to me. But I did get to choose how I responded. I choose not to fear, I choose to have hope, I choose to believe God has a grand adventure intertwined with my loss.


  • Rise Up Project is here to stay! This remains my heartbeat, and I'm so thrilled to focus almost entirely on telling stories of women overcoming life's greatest obstacles. Please, please, please send your referrals my way. If you know a strong woman, I want to know her too and tell her story here.


  • WEDDINGS - the little bit of time I have with Josiah on the weekends is of greatest importance to me, and shooting 8-10 hours on a weekend isn’t something my heart is in anymore.

  • My pricing guide and booking info are all gone. I can still be reached via email at so if you're curious about whether I'll book you, shoot me an email!


  • I'll be sharing more in depth about navigating life as a young widow and single mom. And hopefully the funny and crazy stuff that keeps happening along the way

  • Family photography is my main niche now - I love families and 100% in the need to have those photos, all of them!

  • Personal photography work

  • Rise Up stories

  • Health and fitness - training, inspiration, etc.

I'm writing. Constantly. I want to tell our story as a series of memoirs, but man it absolutely drains me emotionally to recall everything. So I'm taking my time, giving myself grace and space. And discovering who I am apart from Rob, who I am solely as Stephanie, child of God. I will not be dismayed. I will not give way to fear.

I forge on, undaunted.