Steph Undaunted

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Family Reunion Minus One | Tears Like Crashing Waves

For nearly a year we'd had a family reunion planned for the end of September in Canada. It was Rob's dad's 60th birthday and it was long overdue that the entire family was together. Rob hadn't seen his sister or niece in 5 years, so we were all looking forward to renting an AirBnB on Georgian Bay together. 


The thought of this trip made me angry. Not only did his accident happen on my Dad's birthday, now he had to go and spoil his own Dad's birthday by turning it into his memorial service. (And yes, I know, no one feels this way except me).

Okay it ended up being far better than I anticipated. We had extremely unusual warm weather and spent most of our time on the beach and swimming in the bay. But God knew that was what we all needed. I spent a lot of time standing silent before that endless expanse of water. I watched the waves continuously break on the shoreline and bury my feet in the sand. I cried a lot of tears, and still do, and will continue to. They seem to be as constant as the breaking waves. 

"Those who sow in tears shall weep in joy. He who continually goes forth weeping, bearing seed for sowing, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him." -Psalm 126:5-6