Steph Undaunted

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Stephen + Shelly | Urban Oklahoma City Maternity

Back in December Stephen & Shelly came over to our house for dinner. Josiah was running around and being his usual ornery self and I remember playfully asking them if they wanted children after being around Josiah. 

They both said yes, absolutely, in God's timing. (Is it just me or is that a polite way of saying let's just not talk about this?! I've since adopted that as my official answer any time I'm asked if we want more kids ;-) ) So when I got the phone call 2 months later that they were pregnant, I'm pretty sure all I could keep saying was "shut up! shut up! shut up!!" I didn't know if I believed them! Obviously, they weren't lying :)

Maternity sessions are quickly becoming a favorite of mine. It's such a joyful thing to help show a pregnant momma just how absolutely stunning she is in this season of her life. For most of pregnancy, the thoughts at the forefront of our minds are swollen bellies, swollen feet, a growing number on the scale, and just plain feeling tired and not like ourselves. My hope, Shelly, when you see these (and every momma I photograph in the future, when you see your photos), is that you realize that you are stunning. You are powerful. You are amazing. Your husband adores this new body, and there's nothing more beautiful in the world to him right now.

Thank you for letting me document such a sweet time in your lives. Can't wait for the little mister to arrive <3