Steph Undaunted

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Women Who Rise | Facing A Rare Medical Diagnosis

Today I need to reflect on another story of a woman who has risen from hardship. Or, in Roxanne's case, is joyfully learning to rise. Especially with the volatile environment filled with hatred, debate, racism, and a severe lack of compassion and understanding we are seeing right now, it's a good time to be reminded of hope.

Meet Roxanne. The sweetest momma of 3 you'll ever meet, she began a small business here in Oklahoma City that you may have heard of by now (Easy Freezy Freezer Meals!), and in May, at a crucial peak time in her growing business, received news from her doctor that left her with more questions than answers.

SDP: Was there a defining moment in your life that you can look back and say, "This changed the course of my life."?

Roxanne: I have two very prominent ones.  October 21st, 2012, the day my first child, my only daughter was born.  I spent the entire pregnancy worried I wouldn't be a good mother, because I felt zero attachment to the child growing in my body.  The moment they placed that tiny perfect baby on my chest, I knew nothing would ever be the same again.  I looked at my husband within a few minutes of her being born and told him, "I'm quitting my job, I have to be with her." Each subsequent day my other two children were born were equally as magical. November 11th, 2014 and August 28th, 2016. And then, on May 31st, 2017, I was diagnosed with reactive arthritis.  This is a rare, very limiting illness.  There are not a lot of answers surrounding the illness, and the following month was one of the scariest of my life.  I am still unsure of what the future holds as it pertains to my illness, but I'm learning and growing in ways that would have never happened had I not been handed this card in life.

SDP: What is your greatest obstacle at the moment?

Roxanne: Raising 3 children under 5, owning a growing and thriving small business all while navigating the greatest health concerns of my life.  This obstacle can at times seem incredibly overwhelming.  But somehow, through my faith and the support of my community - I am making it through, one day at a time.

SDP: What would you say to a woman facing her own goliath obstacle right now?

Find your support.  Find something to put your faith in.  You can't do this alone.  We are ALL strong, but we are stronger in community.  Find your people, love them well, and LET THEM HELP YOU. 

SDP: What else do you want people to know about you?

The only thing that has carried me through the crazy thing called life, is my faith.  Now, it has evolved, and changed, and looks incredibly different than it did even 3 months ago.  But it's what I can put my hope in.  I wrestle with my beliefs, and questions, and that's what makes my faith even stronger and deeper.  I don't think I have anything figured out at all.  I'm a recovering perfectionist.  But as my favorite musician, Ben Rector sings, "I used to think I needed all the answers.  I used to need to know that I was right.  I used to be afraid of things I couldn't cover up in black and white.  Now I just want to look more like love."

Check out Roxanne's incredible business on Facebook - Easy Freezy Freezer Meals. Join the group and make your life a little easier when it comes to delicious, prepared crockpot meals for your family.