Steph Undaunted

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Matt+Whitney | Maternity Photography

It was August and Whitney asked me to go to dinner with her. Matt had been in the oil field and away from home quite a bit, so it didn't surprise me that she wanted to get out and have some girl time. Whitney and I share a love for good margaritas, but I couldn't help but notice she didn't order one this time. I thought that maybe she was just buckling down on healthy eating.

During dinner I kept asking her how CrossFit was going, or about crazy things her and Matt had been up to recently. I guess she couldn't take it anymore, not being able to be truthful in her answers. Finally she said, "I'm not doing CrossFit - I'm too tired because I'm PREGNANT!"

I've only known these two for about a year and a half, but I've watched so much happen in their lives already. I think we've done photos in just about every season here in Oklahoma. Random snow at Christmastime, blazing July heat in a field of wildflowers, and now fresh, glowy springtime. Looks like we'll be adding warm fall family photos this year too :) 

Whitney - you are a beautiful momma. That sweet girl is SO blessed to have you and Matt. I can't wait for May to be here!